I post this slide as an example of the CRT-based teacher training that over 600 school staff (including governors) have taken up to the end of academic year 2021/22. The trainer has lifted this graphic from the internet but added orange circles around key phrases. We have learnt that the trainer highlights to participants how, above the horizontal line, there are more overt expressions of racial discrimination. Below the line are the more covert expressions. Circled are the things that the trainer feels are especially relevant to education institutions. As the Don’t Divide Us Case Study points out: [The pyramid] “shows ‘lynching’ and at the top, supposedly created and reinforced by things like ‘denial of white privilege’ and ‘colourblindness.’ The pyramid is intended to demonstrate a spurious causal relationship between philosophical belief in the principle of colourblindness or disagreement with the concept of inherited racial ‘privilege’ and horrors such as racist murder”.